Thursday, May 29, 2008

#9- All I know is I am on My Way.....

"All I know is I am on my way".... to Bodie.
This is the song that plays in our heads....
It's called "Bodie Fever" back then it was
called Gold Fever.... and now 150 years later
the price of Gold has gone up so much
there is a New Gold Fever and many
stores are currently sold out of pans
for panning for gold. Many new folks
are staking claims. I know there is still
alot of gold left in Bodie. Thank God
it is a State Historic Park so it is
protected .... and today is it s miracle
that it still stands for all of us to
appreciate the hardship of the lives
of those that had "Gold Fever."
Bodie Fever is incurable ;-)
So just go have a good time,
make some images and pretend
you were there in the 1800's....

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